DC Spensley (AKA DanCoyote) at Museo del Metaverso

This movie is documentation of the DC Spensley art installation on Saturday, March 7, 2015, at 21.30 hours (9:30 PM CET) at:

The Museo del Metaverso The Museo del Metaverso was established in the parallel world of Second Life in 2007 by Rosanna Galvani; MdM reopens in OpenSim on the Grid Craft.

MdM is a 3D digital museum, which houses more than 40 artists and installations, which can be visited in the immersive environment of OpenSim.

The museum, in the years between 2007 and 2011, participated in several initiatives, organized in the physical world by organizations and institutions, such as Rinascimento Virtuale in Florence, for the curatorship of Mario Gerosa, Futuroma and Ars in Ara in Rome, Innovation Festival in Milan, Viareggio Art Project in Viareggio, Open Garden in Fogliano (LT).

Website www.museodelmetaverso.org

Craft World: http://www.craft-world.org/page/en/home.php Address Grid Craft (The Craft Grid address) craft-world.org:8002:mdm

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