Ars Plastica Raw Documentary 1
This is raw documentary footage showing the details of Ars Plastica, a virtual art world by DC Spensley in 2016.
MineOpticon II Pics
MineOpticon II
Produced and Directed by:
DC Spensley AKA DanCoyote
Performed by the
“Diamond Boots Ensemble”:
Jenene Castle
Sara Gevurtz
Ben Unterman
Laurence Simmons
Eliot Wang
Matt Pita
Oberon Onmura
Michael Amundsen
Technical Director:
Bill “Wabbs” Cruickshank
Original Score:
Yağız Mungan
MineOpticon II is a real time, one hour long “Equine Ballet”, a theatrical horse dancing intervention into the virtual world of Minecraft staged at the CADRE Laboratory for New Media “Orwell” Server.
Imagine 8 riders performing intricate choreography based on Austrian Lipizzaner Stalions to an original score in an exquisitely designed stage set and surrounding landscape.
Appearing before the performance will be James Morgan a curator to make a presentation on Minecraft as an art medium.
After the MineOpticon II performance will be an exciting Minecraft horse race!
Avant Garden Costume Test
This is DanCoyote testing an inflight costume approach for the coming mixed reality show: Avant Garden.
Recent Work – CODAME/YBCA
This video was prepared in November 2013 for CODAME who presented my work to Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.
Thanks to Bruno, Jordan and the CODAME gang!
MineOpticon Rider
One Diamond Boots rider demonstrates the new MineOpticon II stage set which is based on the Catillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine Florida .
The new set is scaled up and explicitly designed to exploit the increased speed and footprint of horses in Minecraft. This all new stage features never before seen uses of the game’s internal logic and materials and capabilities to pull off compelling stage craft in a game better known to 8-12 year olds.
MineOpticon II is a one hour long Equine Ballet performed live on a Minecraft server set to survival mode. All members of the troupe need to constantly eat to stay alive and perform under the constant threat of zombies, skeletons and spiders who can be lethal to the cast and horses.
Now imagine 8 riders performing intricate choreography based on Austrian Lipizzaner Stalions to an original score in an exquisitely designed stage set and surrounding landscape.
Talk about awesome.
The Diamond Boots Ensemble
presents MineOpticon II
Live in San Francisco, May 16, 2014
First every SG gallery dance troupe!
Eugene from Singapore made a gallery for internet art using SG gallery, which looks to be a distributable stand alone client for a specific virtual world.
The ultimate walled garden and where art gallery and software product meet. When I joined, Hayden and Laturbo were there, Eugene and a few others came by to check out the space.
After a few clicks it was clear that while this looks like SL and Cloud Party it is a read only model of delivery, imagine emailing somebody a custom client that leads only to your specific 3D world.
This is documentation of us dancing (Hayden and Eugene and me on camera) to the tasty but unusual local audio vibrations. The real gem here is Eugene’s curated collection of internet graphics and his choice of music. Sounds and looks homemade.
MineOpticon DEBUT 7/3/2013
MineOpticon DEBUT is at YouIn3D in Berlin, Germany at 9PM CET, July 3, 2013
Stay tuned on the FaceBook group for up to the minute info about this exciting network performance.
Below is the full show card to use in social media, email or on blogs. Click the image to see the full size version.
megalith 050713
megalith 050713
500 meters above LEA5 on display until May 10, 2013
MineOpticon development
These are pics of MineOpticon experimentation between DC and Wabbs
MineOpticon Meeting 01
Today DC, Jeremy, Peter, Jenene, Sara, Ama and Wabbs met for the first time about a Minecraft performance ensemble. We cleared a 40×40 spot out in the desert West of the 4004 gallery section on the Orwell server.
Working title: Panopticon which was later changed to MineOpticon (which sounds better)
Jestingrabbit (Wabbs) and etoyoCnaD stayed after the hour meeting and worked out some rough details about the what the stage might look like and Wabbs had it wireframed in a few hours!
MineOpticon work in progress:
This Catalog Founded: April 15, 2013